What Does It Mean To Be A Millennial?

Growing up, I heard my generation described by a number of different labels: New Boomers, Generation Y, and Generation Wired, just to name a few. Now that we've stumbled our way into our twenties and thirties, we finally seem to have settled on one label: Millennial.

I didn't spend a lot of time thinking about what it meant to be a millennial myself until I started writing Every Last Minute, my current work in progress. The main characters, Will and Mara, are about one or two years older than I am. Like me, they were in their twenties during the three years in which their story takes place: 2011, 2006, and 2015.

Do all these similarities mean that I can skip the research and write Will and Mara's story based off my own experience? Of course not. I'm far too Type A for that. :) Part of the pre-writing for this story meant researching what it meant for Will and Mara to grow up in the Millennial generation.

Writing Millennial Characters: What Does It Mean To Be A Millennial? || www.ellensmithwrites.com

My preliminary research did not inspire a lot of confidence. At first glance, it seemed that millennials had a pretty bad reputation. Here's the gist:

Millennials are lazy.

We're entitled.

We're obsessed with ourselves, our social media, and our tech gadgets.

We require constant praise and can't handle correction.

No one knows how to work with us, market to us, or kick our free-loading selves out of their basements.

Yowch. All that said, I'd hardly say we're any more despised than previous generations were in their heyday. This quote about "kids these days" was written over two thousand years ago:

They [Young People] have exalted notions, because they have not been humbled by life or learned its necessary limitations; moreover, their hopeful disposition makes them think themselves equal to great things — and that means having exalted notions. They would always rather do noble deeds than useful ones: Their lives are regulated more by moral feeling than by reasoning — all their mistakes are in the direction of doing things excessively and vehemently. They overdo everything — they love too much, hate too much, and the same with everything else.
— Aristotle

So if the young people of today are full of idealistic extremists with illusions of grandeur, then it seems we're right on track, historically speaking.

Personally, I think it's been pretty interesting to grow up in this generation: while the Internet was coming of age and taking on the world, we were, too. I was in third grade when the school librarian showed us how the school computer could connect to another school's computer through the miracle of the World Wide Web. I remember sitting criss-cross applesauce on the floor of the library, listening to the extremely long dial-up sequence and thinking, "Ugh, this is taking forever. Nobody's going to want to sit through this more than once."

Boy, was I wrong.

Technology aside, there are a few more traits that set the millennial generation apart. Here's what else I found while doing research for my millennial characters:

Millennials: Confident. Connected. Open To Change.

I like stats, so I thought this article from the PEW Research Center had some interesting details about millennial demographics. Here are just a few:

  • 37% of 18- to 29-year-olds are unemployed or out of the workforce
  • About one-in-eight older Millennials (ages 22 and older) say they’ve “boomeranged” back to a parent’s home because of the recession.
  • One-in-four are unaffiliated with any religion
  • Only about six-in-ten were raised by both parents
  • About a third of millennials are parents themselves
  • One-in-five millennials are currently married

This tracks with a lot of what I've seen in my own life and with my character's lives too. We graduated during the Great Recession, after all: it's no wonder so many of us are unemployed, underemployed, or currently living with friends or family.

So what are millennials doing while we're waiting for our ships to come in? Well, most of us aren't waiting, actually:

Millennials are the True Entrepreneur Generation

When I was growing up, I pictured "having a job" to mean living the 9-5 life. I figured I would have a boss, a biweekly paycheck, and regular work hours. At the beginning of my adult life, I actualy did: I was a special education teacher for several years. Then I went in a new direction and branched out on my own as a freelance writer, editor, and author. I work from home, contract with individual clients, and work a somewhat flexible schedule. My work life looks nothing like I pictured growing up, but it looks a lot like many of my peers'.

Interestingly, both main characters in my work-in-progress work 9-to-5 jobs. Will is a middle school music teacher and Mara has a new job as a research assistant. Emphasis on new: when the story begins, Mara has been unemployed for several years. She's a millennial, after all, and finding a job in the recession is no easy feat.

Millennials: The Cause Generation

Studies are finding that our generation is plugged in to humanitarian and social issues around the world--and we're doing something about it, too. This article from YouCaring shows that 84% of millennials (those of us with jobs, anyway) made a charitable donation in 2015. I'd say we're also pretty likely to take up calls to action we find online, such as making donations through websites, signing online petitions, and sharing news and calls for help on social media.

This was a lot of fun to research, since Will and Mara's story centers around a fictional social issue. In my story, timeline rectifications are available for rehabilitated criminals. In short, a repentant offender can agree to go back in time and undo his or her crime. The new timeline will pick up from there, ensuring that no one will even have a memory of the original crime.

The catch? The victims of the crime have to agree to the rectification. When Mara and Will discover the shooter that nearly took their lives could go back in time, the social issue of timeline rectification becomes less theoretical and all too real. The premise of the story may be science fiction, but the feelings of these two characters as they take on this issue? Not too removed from real life. 

If millennials are particularly involved in social justice or other causes, it's often because we have a personal connection. Maybe something as simple as seeing a good friend posting about an issue makes us want to join in the cause. Maybe our own experiences with unemployment or even poverty make us empathetic to those who have even greater needs. Or maybe, like Will and Mara, a cause involves us personally, and we have to decide where we stand.

So...what does it mean to be a millennial?

Whatever we choose.

Release Day for THE BLENDED ONES by Angela J. Ford

Which birthdays are the most fun to celebrate? Do you like milestone birthdays? Friend birthdays? "Thank goodness April the giraffe FINALLY gave birth" days?

I'm going to do you one better: the best birthdays are book birthdays.

The day a book is released out into the world is a huge cause for celebration for the author--and it's also a huge celebration for the readers. We've been waiting for this day since the words "pre-order" first appeared on Amazon. Some of us have been waiting and hoping for another book even longer than that. We might even have been stalking an author's blog and twitter feed, looking for signs that another book is in the works. (Did I say stalking? I meant "reading with enthusiasm." It's not creepy, I swear. Ahem.)

So you can imagine how excited I am that today is the long-awaited book birthday for The Blended Ones by Angela J. Ford. It's the second book in The Four Worlds series, and since I've already read Book 1: The Five Warriors, I'm thrilled that I get to dive right in to the next story!

Just take a look at the cover art:

THE BLENDED ONES by Angela J. Ford

You can tell this is going to be another epic fantasy adventure--perfect for readers that like to get lost in new worlds and go on quests of mythical proportions. Here's the synopsis:

Phyllis and her 17 year old twin sister, Ilieus, are blended ones. But Ilieus suffers from visions of darkness she is unable to discern. Forsaken by their parents the two cross the country in search of the Order of the Wise for help.

Cuthan the Charmer is mischievous enough to change anyone’s mind with a smile and a wink. Born into a family of treasure hunters, he’s searching for the key to unlocking his dormant powers.

Pharengon the Horse Lord was born to be King. Young and inexperienced he seeks a weapon to turn the tide of the war in his favor. But when his very own army betrays him, he will have to turn to the Lost Ones for assistance.

Caught in the fate of the Eastern World the youths’ destinies become twisted together in a frightful quest that will change the course of time. In the midst of their whirlwind adventure, they discover love, loss, and uncover the truth about who and what is behind the chaotic, spiraling events in the Eastern World.

The writer behind this epic fantasy is none other than Angela J. Ford. You might remember her from an author interview I posted back in October. In addition to writing the Four Worlds Series, Angela is a Digital Marketing Strategist and creator of the course How To Plan A Book Launch. She's also a fellow bookworm--if you want to talk about books, I highly recommend following her on twitter!

Angela J. Ford, author of THE BLENDED ONES

Angela J. Ford, author of THE BLENDED ONES

You can grab your paperback copy here and the Kindle version here. More good news: the Blended Ones is only 99 cents on Kindle through the end of this month!

Happy book birthday, Angela! I'm so excited to read The Blended Ones!

Release Day for THE BLENDED ONES by Angela J. Ford || www.ellensmithwrites.com

Peeping In On Washington, D.C.'s Creative Scene

How do you know when spring has finally come to Washington, D.C.? Some people say it's when the cherry blossoms peak, while others wait for the annual White House Easter Egg roll. For the creatives living in the nation's capital, spring is ushered in by an annual contest featuring our favorite marshmallow treats: peeps!

Peeping In On Washington, D.C.'s Creative Scene || www.ellensmithwrites.com

As someone who loves both creativity and sugar in all its forms, I've looked forward to the Washington Post's Peeps Diorama Contest every spring for the last ten years. Not familiar? Take a peep at these sugary creations:

Source: The Washington Post
Classic Peeps: A Decade of Sugary Social Commentary by Elizabeth Chang

Aren't those great? My favorite is the diorama of the house from Up. So creative!

I was disappointed but not entirely surprised when the Post announced a few months ago that it would no longer hold the annual competition. The Peeps diorama contest was an awesome tradition, but if entries were already slowing down, it's best to end on a high note and discontinue it.

That said, I was thrilled to hear that Washington City Paper took up the baton and hosted a peeps diorama contest for 2017. The entries were just as rife with sugary social commentary as always, with The Peeple vs. O.J. Simpson taking first prize.

Source: Instagram feed for @washingtoncitypaper

You can check out all of the finalists here.

I love this fun local tradition and I hope Washington City Paper will host it again next year! Which Peep diorama was your favorite? Share it with us in the comments!


Can't Beat a Retreat!

One thing I love about the work-from-home life is how writing has become such a natural part of my daily routine. Although I schedule blocks of time for my freelance work, I can also squeeze in plenty of time for my fiction writing throughout the day. For example, it's easy to sit down to work on a draft while I'm waiting for the laundry to finish up or jot down notes on my story while I'm fixing dinner. I spend plenty of time working on my story at night, when the rest of the household has gone off to bed.

What would it be like to spend a day (or two!) devoted only to fiction writing? Over the weekend, I got to experience just that on my first writer's retreat.

photo credit: Sandra R. Campbell

photo credit: Sandra R. Campbell

A group of three other writers and I rented out the third floor of the fabulous Frederick Inn Bed and Breakfast in Buckeystown, Maryland. Buckeystown is just 40 miles outside of Washington, D.C., but it feels like an entirely different world. The small town setting and peaceful green spaces made the perfect escape for four writers who needed to quiet their minds and get down to work.

And work we did. The inn's third floor had four bedrooms surrounding a common area with a kitchenette, living room, and table. We set up our laptops around the table and started writing within minutes of our arrival.

Our writerly escape! Don't you love those stained glass windows? (photo credit: Sandra R. Campbell)

Our writerly escape! Don't you love those stained glass windows? (photo credit: Sandra R. Campbell)

When we needed a break, a quick walk through Buckeystown was a great way to get moving again!

Then it was back to the real business of the day: writing. All of us brought snacks and meals from home so we wouldn't have to go out to eat--although I was pretty tempted to spring for dinner at Alexanders!

Each of us accomplished and exceeded our writing goals for the retreat. I edited six chapters and wrote almost 5,000 words! It was two in the morning before I finally stopped working and crawled into my nice, soft bed. (I don't have pictures of how beautiful the bedrooms were because I barely slept! There are pictures of all the rooms on their website, though!)

In the morning, the innkeepers, Pat and Kirk, cooked a fantastic breakfast for us. The zucchini quiche was my favorite! Pat and Kirk were so much fun to talk to--they really went above and beyond to make our stay extra special!

Pat and Kirk, the wonderful innkeepers at The Frederick Inn! (photo credit: Sandra R. Campbell)

Pat and Kirk, the wonderful innkeepers at The Frederick Inn! (photo credit: Sandra R. Campbell)

Now that I've experienced how inspiring a writer's retreat can be, I definitely want to do it again! Huge thanks to Pat and Kirk and the Frederick Inn Bed and Breakfast for this fantastic experience!

If you’d like to read more about our writer’s retreat, check out my fellow retreaters blog posts: 

How small businesses give Back: The Power of 10%

Four years ago, I started a business. Sometimes that's still hard for me to believe--mostly because my work life changes so much from one year to the next, and even from one week to the next. My workday and routines change as I take on different projects and juggle new deadlines.

As much as I love the never-boring lifestyle of a freelancer, that also means I need to devote serious energy to remembering my focus as a writer and small business owner. I spend a lot of time asking myself questions that sound vaguely like a personal identity crisis. You know: "Who am I? What is my purpose? How do I fit in to the rest of the world?"

Deep questions, right? But these are really important things to consider as a business owner, whether you're the CEO of a Fortune 500 company or the one and only employee. No matter how big or small our product is, we all contribute to our community in some way.

How Small Businesses Give Back Using The Power of 10% || www.ellensmithwrites.com

While the freelance projects I'm working on might change from one week to the next, there are still plenty of areas where I can plan ahead. One place where all businesses need to pre-plan is with their finances. If you're a freelancer or project-based worker, like me, budgeting looks a little different when you don't have a consistent bi-weekly paycheck. (For more on this, check out Angela J. Ford's piece on Using Multiple Streams of Revenue to Break the Feast to Famine Cycle).

Since I manage my finances by planning ahead, it's just as easy to plan charitable giving in advance, too. I'm a writer, so giving back to the community is a big part of my business. Freelance writers inform. We discuss. We shine a light on the issues that need to be heard. Fiction writers reflect. We give readers a place to escape, or, conversely, a place to feel understood.

With a job description like that, it's only natural that giving back to the community is a major focus in my business plan. I like to set a rule of 10%. 90% of my energy and finances goes towards growing my business (and paying my bills), but 10% goes to supporting the community around me. There are lots of ways to give back, but here are some of my favorites:

1. Share Your Profit

This is pretty straightforward--anyone who makes a profit can decide to give some of the money to charitable organizations, social causes, or local programs. One way to make this simple is through automation. Plenty of charities allow you to schedule monthly donations, which makes it an easy line item to factor in to your budget. Other businesses plan to make donations at tax time, the end of the fiscal year, or the anniversary of the business's founding.

You can also earmark some of your projects to raise money for charity. This is what I did with my short story series, Ghosts of Eagle Valley. I wrote it as a companion to Reluctant Cassandra--each of the four stories gives the background on a time period in the history of Eagle Valley, Virginia. Since one of the characters in Reluctant Cassandra is facing a diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease, I decided to donate all the proceeds from Ghosts of Eagle Valley to the Alzheimer's Association.

Channillo for Charity made this process incredibly easy. Channillo functions like an online literary journal, so readers do have to subscribe to the site in order to read the series. If Channillo authors wish to support a charity in lieu of receiving payments, Channillo will donate our earnings directly to the charity. Pretty cool, right? Just last week Channillo sent me a notification that my earnings of $54.18 had been donated to the Alzheimer's Association. That means that, to date, this little short story series has raised $110.58 for a great cause.

Here are some more ways to use your profits to give back to the community:

  • Create a scholarship for others in your field
  • Sponsor a local team
  • Host a fundraiser or partner with a charity for an event

2. Share Your Services

Contributions don't have to be monetary--and in fact, many good causes need writers, illustrators, social media coordinators, and event organizers. Offering your services for a reduced rate--or even for free!--is a great way to donate to a worthy cause.

Monica Haynes of The Thatchery actually did this for me when I was creating Ghosts of Eagle Valley. Monica designed the cover for Reluctant Cassandra, my website, my Facebook banner, and bookmarks--it's safe to say I absolutely love her work! Naturally I contracted with her to create the cover art for Ghosts of Eagle Valley as well. When Monica found out I was planning to donate the proceeds from the short story collection to the Alzheimer's Association, she donated her design services for the cover. Her work and her generosity both made a huge difference to the project!

Creative small business owners can also give back by discussing current social issues in their work. Non-fiction writers can make a point to address current events, for example, and fiction writers can reflect characters that deal with social issues in their stories. Raising awareness helps other people get informed and--more importantly--encourages people to get involved.

Here are some other ways your products and services to give back:

  • Donate a product to a charity raffle
  • Host a giveaway for your services
  • Sit on a board or committee and lend your professional expertise to the cause

3. Share Your Network

When I was a teacher, I learned much more from my fellow teachers than I ever could have learned from a textbook. The same is true of my life as a writer. Other freelancers have taught me how to set my prices, network with potential clients, and handle the inevitable sticky situations. Other authors have given me great advice on everything from initial character development to publishing and book marketing. It would be impossible for me to give back as much to the community as it's given to me. However, I can definitely put 10% of my energy back into building up other writers.

These are a few ways writers help each other:

  • Reading and reviewing each other's books
  • Sharing blog posts and other social media connections
  • Being a beta reader or critique partner

And here are a few ways small business owners of every stripe can give back to their professional community:

  • Offering webinars and classes in our areas of expertise
  • Helping others connect with potential clients or business partners
  • Supporting new businesses through partnerships, mentoring, and sales

Interested in learning more about giving back to the community as an author or small business owner? Check out these articles from around the web:

How to Give Back to the Community as a Home-Based Business Owner || Sagan Morrow

5 Steps to Giving Back: Charitable Giving and Your Business || Small Business Trends

Giving Back: How You Can Help Your Community, Fellow Writers, and Beyond || BookBaby

    How Small Businesses Give Back Using The Power of 10% || www.ellensmithwrites.com

    Are you a small business owner? How do you give back to your community? Let us know in the comments!


    Happy International Women's Day!

    This awesome video was compiled by Deborah Obaseki of The Women In Leadership Project. Happy International Women's Day to you--wherever in the world you live!

    4 TED Talks That Will Spark Your Creativity

    In my left-brained writing life as a freelance education writer, I spend a lot of time thinking about lifelong learning. That's a big buzzword for educators these days. We all want students to be critical thinkers, studious researchers, and innovative problem-solvers long after graduation.

    But what does lifelong learning really look like? It's been almost nine years since I left graduate school, which means it's been a long time since I had a professor to give me assigned readings or challenge my thinking. I've been self-employed as a freelancer for four years, which means I've been responsible for my own market research and professional development for a while, too. On top of that, my right-brained fiction writing would be impossible if I didn't intentionally seek out creative inspiration and growth. Being a lifelong learner is synonymous with living a creative lifestyle.

    One of my favorite resources for lifelong learning is TED. This non-profit has one simple goal: to spread great ideas. TED talks--in which thought leaders deliver short, powerful speeches--are available for free on their website. With over 2,000 talks on a range of topics, it's pretty much impossible to visit their website without learning something new.

    Since I'm a writer, I spend a lot of time looking for the talks about imagination and creativity. I love hearing what artists of all kinds have to say: what drives them, what humbles them, what inspires them. Here are four of my favorite TED talks that will spark your creativity, every time.


    4 TED Talks That Will Spark Your Creativity || www.ellensmithwrites.com

    1. Willard Wigan, Micro-Sculptor

    Willard Wigan's sculptures are so small you can only see them under a microscope! In this talk, he shows slides of a house he built on the head of a pin, the Incredible Hulk bursting through the eye of a needle, and a microscopic Statue of Liberty (complete with a flame at the end of the torch). Listen to find out about the inspiration behind his work. I guarantee his speech will make you rethink what it means to pay attention to detail.

    2. Isaac Mizrahi, Fashion Designer

    One of my all-time favorite TV shows is Project Runway--I've watched all 15 seasons and I can't wait for the next! Since fashion designer Isaac Mizrahi is a judge on the show, I had to see his TED talk on fashion and creativity. Although I think of him as a designer, it surprised me to learn that Mizrahi has many, many interests and draws creative inspiration from just about everything. His speech is a great reminder to try new things in the quest to "not be bored."

    3. Ji-Hae Park, Violinist

    Ji-Hae Park is an incredible violinist, so listening to her TED talk is worthwhile just for the chance to hear her play. However, as Park says during the talk, music is about so much more than being successful or accomplished. Her speech and performance captures why it matters to be creative just for the sheer joy of it.

    4. Elizabeth Gilbert, Author

    This speech was recorded after the publication of Eat, Pray, Love, when Elizabeth Gilbert had achieved wild success as an author and was at work on her next book. I love her perspective on the social pressure to "be a genius," and her smart and funny discussion of what it means to "have a genius" instead.

    There are thousands more TED talks on the TED.com website--don't be surprised if you want to spend all day listening to them! Do you have a favorite TED talk? Share it in the comments--lifelong learning is all about spreading great ideas!

    Writing a Slow-Burn Romance

    If you're looking for a little instant gratification, fiction is a good place to find it. I watch police procedurals where murders are solved in forty-five minutes and read books that chronicle life-changing epiphanies in only two hundred and fifty pages. It's so satisfying to see fictional problems resolve quickly--plus, it's a lot more entertaining when we can cut out the weeks of waiting for test results and months of planning and rescheduling before a court date.

    There's one place in fiction where it's more fun to slow down rather than speed up: romance. A lot of our favorite fictional couples start things off at a snail's pace. After ten chapters (or ten seasons) of tantalizing will-they-or-won't-they romantic tension, the moment when we see a couple finally get together is that much more satisfying.

    Like Harry and Sally from When Harry Met Sally.

    Temperance Brennan and Seeley from Bones.

    Luke and Lorelai from Gilmore Girls.

    Matthew Crawley and Lady Mary (and Anna and Mr. Bates...and Tom Branson and Lady Sybil...and Carson and Mrs. Hughes...okay, pretty much all the romances) from Downton Abbey.

    See what I mean? These are the couples we agonize over. I spent all ten seasons of FRIENDS crossing my fingers, hoping that Ross and Rachel would find a way to make things work. I wanted Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley to end up with each other from the beginning--even though it took several books before they got together for good. A long-running romance requires a lot of commitment and a lot of emotional investment from the audience. Takes a fair amount of tears and vicarious heartache, too.

    When it comes to writing romance, it's hard to fight the urge to speed things up. I love my characters and I want them to live happily ever after, but I can't let them have it right away. In my current work-in-progress, it's a constant battle to keep the characters' love for each other at a slow burn, without letting things flare up or fizzle out.

    Writing a Slow-Burn Romance || www.ellensmithwrites.com

    Although many love stories focus on the couple finding each other and falling in love, romance doesn't end after the vows are said and rings are exchanged. Happily-ever-after is a journey, not a destination (click to tweet!). There are ups and downs along the way. We hope that our favorite couples will have smooth sailing over the waves, but there are waves nonetheless.

    In my work-in-progress, the story begins after the main characters are already married. Mara and Will have already survived so many struggles together--a tragic shooting, permanent injuries, chronic pain, and PTSD, just to name a few. Still, they have more challenges ahead of them: when they're offered the chance to go back in time and un-do the shooting that changed their lives, it shakes up their marriage in a big way. Giving the shooter the chance to go back in time and make things right feels like justice at its finest, and why wouldn't they jump at the chance to re-live their lives without the tragedy? When Will and Mara start to pick apart all the ways this shooting shaped their lives--and guess who they might have been in another timeline--it reveals the good and bad of who they are and how they came to fall in love.

    I can't promise that Mara and Will are going to get it right or that they'll make the same decisions I would make in their place. Some things in their story move fast--faster than Mara or Will (or I!) were ready to handle. But when it comes to romance, their love for each other burns long and slow.

    Stay tuned :)

    Behind The Scenes of EVERY LAST MINUTE

    Happy Valentine's Day!

    Since I'm currently editing Every Last Minute, the first novel of my time travel romance trilogy, I thought I'd give you a peek behind the scenes. Will and Mara Sterling are newlyweds and the main characters of my story. Here they are in one of my favorite scenes from Chapter One:

    Behind the Scenes: Sneak Preview of a Scene from EVERY LAST MINUTE || www.ellensmithwrites.com

    Will had already set out dinner on the coffee table when Mara emerged from the bedroom. Even though she was ninety-eight percent sure Will had been kidding earlier, Mara was still a little relieved to see a cup of tzatziki sauce on each of their plates.

    “We’re not just eating out of the containers tonight?” she asked. “Fancy.”

    “Only the best for my girl,” Will said, offering her a paper napkin. “Now get ready—there’s something playing on TV I think you’ll like.” He pressed the power button on the remote.

    Mara squealed when the familiar Spanish-style mansion appeared on the screen. “They brought it back for another season?”

    “I cannot believe you got me to start watching this,” Will said, as the words “Engaged or Enraged,” appeared on screen. The voice over began:

    “While most engaged couples are shopping for wedding gowns and picking out favors, these ten couples are taking the ultimate challenge. They’re putting their marriage to the test before they take their vows. Will extreme sports, team challenges, and unbelievable drama bring them closer together? Or will their relationship shatter under pressure? It’s an all-new season of ‘Engaged or Enraged!’”

    The theme song began and Mara hummed along. Each of the ten couples appeared in turn, dancing a little and pretending to shoot each other with fake bows and arrows when their names flashed up on the screen.  

    “Every time I watch this crap, I die a little inside,” Will said.

    “We don’t have to watch this,” Mara said, shooting him a mischievous grin. “I did say you could pick anything you wanted.”

    “No, I know you really like it. I don’t mind,” Will said.

    “Uh-huh. Plus you’re the one who looked up spoilers for the finale last season because you couldn’t wait to find out who won.”

    Will pretended to be too busy eating his dripping gyro to respond.

    Mara nestled back in the deep sofa cushion. On screen, the couples had been issued their first challenge. They were going to play some type of capture-the-flag game on an obstacle  course complete with fences, rope courses, and rock walls.

    “There’s one more twist,” the host said, pausing over each word for dramatic effect. “One partner in each couple will be blindfolded.” The couples groaned as the host passed out bandanas emblazoned with the show’s logo.

    “We’re going to win this, no question,” said one man as his fiancée nodded happily beside him. “Our communication is on point. We’re just like…I’ll be talking and she’ll just know…”

    “…exactly what he was going to say!” the fiancée finished sweetly.

    Mara nudged Will’s leg. “Hey. How come we never finish each other’s…”

    “Fries? Don’t mind if I do,” Will said, hovering a hand over her plate. Mara swatted him away and he grinned.

    The show switched to a commercial. As a businessman deplored the effects of his chronic dry eyes—just in time to discover a drug that could help—Mara took the first bite of her gyro. Good. Better than the ones that were served by the sub place that catered their last company luncheon. Not nearly as good as the ones she and Will used to get from the food trucks when they were in college.

    “So how much grading are you going to be doing tomorrow night?” she asked Will.

    “I’ve got two teacher workdays. I have plenty of time to get grades in.”

    “You’re going to be up working all night tomorrow, huh?”


    The dry-eyes commercial ended and the next began. As the camera panned over a dimly lit room, Mara watched Will from the corner of her eye. The foreboding music came to a crescendo and there it was—a sudden flash of light, a blood-curdling scream, and a half-hidden ghostly figure. The voice-over intoned the title of the horror movie due out in theaters next month.

    Will kept nonchalantly eating his fries. If he was triggered by anything onscreen, he didn’t show it. Hopefully that meant he really was okay. Even after eight years, it could be hard to tell with Will.

    Mara reached over and squeezed her husband’s hand. He squeezed back.

    “What are you thinking about?” she asked.

    “How much money people have to get paid to be on reality shows.”

    “Probably not much,” Mara said. “Some people like the spotlight.”

    “Fair enough. I’d need at least a million to consider it.”

    “Only a million? There’s not enough money in the world to convince me.”

    The commercial break was over. As the camera panned in on the couples lining the obstacle course, Will nudged her. “Your turn. What are you thinking about?”

    “That if we were on this show, you’d be wearing the blindfold,” Mara said. “I give better directions.”

    “Not a chance,” Will said. “I’m not banging my head on every dang obstacle because you can’t see around me. Tallest guy plays navigator. Always.”

    Mara laughed and tucked her legs up under her. They fit together so neatly, his arm around her, her head on his chest.

    All in all, it had been a good day.

    Scratch that.

    It was a good life.

    I'm still editing Will and Mara's story, but I'm planning to release the trilogy later this year! If you'd like to receive news and updates, sign up for my mailing list in the blue bar at the top of the page!

    Literary Love Quotes for the 21st Century

    Valentine's Day is almost here, and the book lovers among us are looking up love quotes to share with our sweethearts. As wooing methods go, sharing the literary love is a pretty effective strategy. (It worked in Beauty and the Beast!)

    However, now that we're in 2017, some of the standbys just don't have that modern vibe to them. You know, like:

    In vain I have struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you.
    — Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice


    He knew that when he kissed this girl, and forever wed his unutterable visions to her perishable breath, his mind would never romp again like the mind of God. So he waited, listening for a moment longer to the tuning-fork that had been struck upon a star. Then he kissed her. At his lips’ touch she blossomed for him like a flower and the incarnation was complete.
    — F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby


    Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind;
    And therefore is wing’d Cupid painted blind.
    — William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night's Dream

    Don't get me wrong, these quotes are from some of my favorite books! But if you're looking for something a little more updated, modern literature is ripe with swoon-worthy lines to share with a significant other. These are some of my favorite literary love quotes for the 21st century:

    Literary Love Quotes for the 21st Century || www.ellensmithwrites.com
    So much of love is chance. There’s something scary and wonderful about that.
    — Jenny Han, P.S. I Still Love You
    As long as I’m with you, I know exactly who I am.
    — Blake Crouch, Dark Matter
    Love was a rare thing, easily confused with a million other things, and if anybody knew this to be true it was him.
    — Junot Diaz, The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao
    There’s a Japanese phrase that I like: koi no yokan. It doesn’t mean love at first sight. It’s closer to love at second sight.
    — Nicola Yoon, The Sun Is Also A Star
    Love is about the good moments, but it’s about holding on to each other during the difficult ones, too.
    — Aisha Saeed, Written In The Stars
    Sometimes it amazes me how much these defining parts of our lives hinge on chance.
    — Curtis Sittenfeld, Eligible
    I don’t know what brought us together...but I do know that nothing can keep us apart.
    — Ellen Smith, Every Last Minute

    Did you catch the surprise at the end? The last quote is from my work-in-progress! Since EVERY LAST MINUTE is a time travel romance, I've had romantic quotes on the brain. Check back on the blog this Valentine's Day--I'll be sharing a scene from my book as a sneak preview for you!